Some nice word play too. Some of it I had to read over 2 or 3 times to see what I was missing -- the word for "seven" and the word for "abundance" vary by a single DOT!
שׁבע שׁני השׂבע (sheva shney ha-seva) = seven years of the abundance
But if you notice the red letters, the first one (far right) is a letter shin (dot over the right arm) and the one that is 3rd from the end (left) is the letter sin (sot over left bar). I don't always pay attention to vowels, because they can change a lot depending on whether a word has additional syllables added (for example, the definite article, or an object or possessive suffix). But I can usually read the letters themselves okay. This time I read "seven years of the seven" over and over! Such a little dot...
An expression that really jumped out at me was in verse 40a. In English (NRSV) it reads
"You shall be over my house, and all my people shall order themselves as you command;"But the Hebrew says, "You shall be over my house, and all my people shall kiss your mouth"!
"Kiss" is the most common meaning for the verb נשׁק (nashak), but according to HALOT it can also mean "to be armed". So the verse gets interpreted, "You shall be over my house, and all my people shall be armed according to your mouth" or, order themselves according to the words of your mouth.
Gotta love those interpreters.